Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Coming to Nothing

As I sat in Copolla's Deli in Carytown today eating my Reuben sandwich and drinking my soda fountain-style Coke, I had my Bible out reading from 1 Corinthians. I read something in 2:6 that caught my eye:

"We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing." (Italics mine)

I'd never noticed that phrase before - "coming to nothing" - but I think it's a very provocative statement that really sums up what Paul is referring to. The church in Corinth was consumed by the dominant lifestyle of that day that held high the ideals of wisdom and knowledge. The more wisdom and knowledge you had, the "better" you were. However, their wisdom and knowledge centered around worldly things, things that would change, things that would shift, and things that would ultimately find their end.

Paul specifically mentions the "rulers of [their] age." Surely the rulers were those considered to be the wisest and most knowledgeable, for that was the ultimate status symbol. They were the celebrity politicians of their day, those whom everyone saw as untouchable, not human, and set apart from the rest of normal society. They might be likened to modern day celebrities who use their celebrity status to push agendas.

Yet despite their high societal status, Paul refers to them as those who are "coming to nothing." In other words they're only wasting their breath, wasting their time, and wasting their knowledge because everything they stand for will eventually fade away. I wonder what it must have been like to have been an original reader or hearer of that letter; the inner struggle that must have been felt to hear someone speak of social icons as though they're as insignificant as dust you wipe off your feet. Despite the struggle to grasp the thought, Paul completely hits the target with that mindset.

Our world continues to hold high a select few. Today it's not as much about wisdom and knowledge as much as looks, money, and talents. A person can be dumb as an ox and still succeed in our country (insert George W. joke here). As long as they can keep up their image of being somehow better than everyone else, they'll stay on top. Yet even in our day, those that our society holds so high are "coming to nothing."

However, those of us who hold high the standards of love, grace, mercy, humility, and holiness set forth by God through Jesus, why we're "coming to SOMETHING." Living lives that are set apart from today's cut-throat culture will actually take you somewhere. And unlike our society, you'll actually STAY there, even if others come along.

Combine this statement of Paul's with his statement in Romans 12 that says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind," and you've got yourself a pretty good philosophy on how to live life.

So, based on how you're living your life, are you coming to nothing, or are you coming to something?


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