Monday, April 02, 2007

Great Movie...Sort of

Christina and I went to see "Reign Over Me" the other night. It's the new Adam Sandler/Don Cheadle movie about a guy (Adam Sandler) who lost his wife and daughters in 9/11. The movie itself was okay - a lot of cussing and some unnecessary crude scenes - but it did have a lot of great scenes. I loved the movie because of how it made me think after it was over. The main question I left with was this one:

What things are worthy of my life?

I don't mean that arrogantly, but what is worth wasting my time and energy on? For instance, is it worth my life to get upset by menial things that won't matter a few minutes later? Is sitting around, watching TV all day worthy of my life? (No) So I've started making some lists. I've made a list of things I want to do before I die such as going skydiving, learning a trade, and being responsible for helping a poor man get back on his feet. I also made a list of things that are not worthy of my life such as laziness, selfishness, and getting frustrated by petty things.

If you're going to a movie and don't know what to see, you might check out "Reign Over Me," but be ready to think deeply about your life afterward.


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