Wednesday, October 18, 2006

School outlaws playing "Tag"

Read this:

I had Fox News on today and I caught the tail end of a line on the ticker. It was about the story above. A school in Massachusetts has deemed games such as "Tag" and touch football against the rules during their recess hour (unless they're supervised). I'm not sure what the punishment is, but children at this school can no longer run through the playground trying to tag their friends unless an adult is nearby to watch.

The reason, as you might suspect, is that they're concerned about the children getting hurt and the parents suing the school. I see only three reasons why this could possibly be a good idea:

1. Children in Massachusetts are more prone to serious, life-threatening injury than are "normal" children EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. Perhaps these children suffer from conditions unknown to the world outside this New England state and really DO require constant supervision, lest they fall and scrape a knee, sprain a wrist, or stain a shirt, leading to certain hospitalization in a prestigious ICU with world-renowned physicians, leaving parents with little choice BUT to sue for the mountain of hospital bills incurred through this horrific experience.

2. "Tag" and Touch Football no longer carry the same meaning as they did 20 or so years ago when I was frolicking through the brown grasses of the Reagan Elementary School playground. Now, when you "Tag" your friend, that actually means you stab them in a non-vital area of the body with a switchblade. This new version of "Tag" not only has parents alarmed, but has them fearing for the lives of their children! This once innocent playground game now leaves children bleeding profusely through their $90 Lacoste shirts.

3. Many childrens parents' at this school are doctors, doctors who have been victims of frivolous lawsuits, mostly from the parents of other children at this school. Suing because their child fell while playing "Tag" is their way of saying, "See, how does THAT feel?"

Other than these three reasons, I can really see no logical explanation for outlawing "Tag," touch football, or any other children's games.

Any thoughts?


Blogger Shane (the0wnage) said...

Haha, good point on number two

10:51 PM  

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